About Us

The Rebuild Rural Infrastructure Coalition is comprised of more than 250 organizations from across the country focused on rural communities, U.S. agricultural producers, rural businesses, and rural families. The Rebuild Rural Coalition is dedicated to advocating for investment in rural America’s infrastructure and understands that rural Ameri­ca’s infrastructure needs are fundamentally different.

Past infrastructure initiatives often focused on urban and suburban areas while not adequately addressing the unique needs of rural communities. Rural communities have seen their infrastructure deteriorate, jeopardizing their jobs, their families’ health and wellbeing and their competitiveness in both agricultural and other industries important to rural America.

American agriculture truly feeds the world and creates millions of jobs for U.S. workers. Our nation’s ability to produce food and fiber and transport it efficiently across the globe is a critical factor in U.S. competitiveness internationally. Our deteriorating infrastructure threatens this leadership position and negatively impacts the ability of rural Ameri­cans to do their jobs.

Transportation infrastructure improvement to highways, bridges, railways, locks and dams, harbors and port facilities is the most obvious need in rural communities, but not the only need that must be addressed. In addition, critical needs exist in providing clean water for rural families, affordable housing options for rural residents, expanding broadband to connect rural communities to the outside world, updating Ag research facilities so the rural economy can stay competitive and enhancing the ability to supply affordable, reliable and secure power for the rural economy.

Federal investment in infrastructure plays a vital role in repairing and expanding our nation’s infrastructure, however federal funds cannot fully meet the vast diversity of needs. This is why public-private partnerships and other creative solutions are necessary to meet the challenges of rural America. In order for infrastructure funding to be utilized to the highest degree, we must ease burdensome regulations and outdated statutory requirements, as well as fund projects in a way that ensures completion in a timely manner.

The Rebuild Rural Infrastructure Coalition looks forward to begin addressing the nation’s infrastructure needs, and will stand as a resource for addressing the infrastructure needs of rural America.

Our Issues

AG Research

  • The federal government should continue its history of supporting public agricultural research.
  • Cutting-edge research is being conducted in outdated research infrastructure.
  • $11.5 billion in total deferred maintenance is outstanding in ag research building and infrastructure.


  • 136 rural hospitals have closed since 2010, and nearly 700 are vulnerable, making up 1/3+ of total facilities.
  • Funding is needed for 77% of rural counties in Primary Care Health Professional Shortage Areas.
  • Telehealth, combined with broadband, facilitates early diagnosis & treatment in rural areas that can lead to lower health care costs.


  • Broadband is vital to rural economic development, education, precision agriculture, health care & public safety activities.
  • A predictable and sufficient high-cost Universal Service Fund is critical to reach rate and service parity for rural and urban areas.
  • Less federal regulatory burden for permits & access to government lands would boost investment in rural broadband.


  • Low income rural Americans depend on multifamily housing loans through USDA Rural Development.
  • Housing programs, such as MPR, Section 538 and Section 521, need modernization.
  • Rural communities need senior care facilities, where a higher proportion of population over 50 years old lives.


  • RUS’ loan program helps modernize the grid, combat cyber threats & integrate renewable energy.
  • RUS loans produce net income for the Treasury, which was over $200 million in 2019.
  • Reducing the regulatory burden on RUS loans & infrastructure siting will increase development.


  • Most of our locks and dams are dilapidated and have outlived their 50-year design lifespan.
  • Waterways are critical corridors of commerce and supported $90.5 billion in ag exports in 2017.
  • 74% of bridges, 73% of roads and the majority of railways are in rural America.


  • Access to affordable and long-term financing options is critical for rural infrastructure projects.
  • Rural infrastructure facilities often are smaller, and don't attract major financial institutions.
  • Federal funding often is limited for rural projects, private sector financing partners are needed.


  • 94%+ of U.S. drinking water utilities supply communities with fewer than 10,000 persons.
  • The USDA Water and Waste Water program backlog is $2 billion.
  • Aging & deteriorating systems that have existed beyond their useful life may cause health risks and should be prioritized for upgrades.

Our Partners